Resources and Information about Scleroderma
What is Scleroderma?
Scleroderma (also known as Systemic Sclerosis or SSc) is a little known and rare autoimmune disease that causes the body to produce too much collagen, leading to the thickening and hardening of tissues in the skin and, sometimes, internal organs. This overproduction of collagen can affect areas like the skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, and digestive tract, causing them to lose flexibility and proper function. Symptoms vary widely but often include skin tightness, pain, and fatigue. Though there is no cure yet, early detection and treatment can help manage symptoms, improve quality of life, and prevent further damage to organs.
Scleroderma affects approximately 2.8 million people world wide, among them around 300,000 Americans and 22,000 Canadians.
Information Resources
Mayo Clinic: Information on Scleroderma symptoms and causes
Canadian Scleroderma Foundation (Canada)
Scleroderma Association BC (British Columbia, Canada)